October 21, 2008

where is the first ?

i really want to share about traditional food from indonesia.... it;s so interesting and also yummy. but i really don;t know how to start.

maybe very traditional food but very yummy and always love to eat more..

i;ll start from tomorrow.

and please if you have some request for some food that you know. just ask me.. and i;ll try to find it also where you can found that food.

future is like a shadow

it was so scared when we face of the future. sometime we aren't sure with whatever we provide it. we have a job for money but we always unsure with the result at future.

are we already provide for everything or we're just feed up our family for a while ?

but we have to prepare at all. it our duty to make better life for our family. it not just a job but it our responsibility.

do you already prepare just like i do ?

give me your advice an your opinion.

October 14, 2008


hi buddy,

come come come, lets eat together. it;s not just a breakfast or dinner or maybe gala dinner, but it lovely eat together.

i want to show you a story.

october 1st at lebaran day ( it must be only in indonesia and specially in my village ) we ahave tradition to eat together in the place we iedhul fitri pray. it's belong a tradition that in the day we win from 1 month ramadhan pasting day.

do not see the food but see the togetherness that we build at that day.

Do you really love your family ?

do you really have happy family ?

i hope so.

it's very nice to hear that you already have a happy family. what ever is it your family or whoever are your family member, the important is you already have a really family.

no matter what kind of your family such as father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter or maybe the other way of family.

i believe our really love, our true love is in our family. we can say that we love the other people but the true love it must be your family.

we may love our brother or sister very much but if we already have ourselves of family, is that mean we will love our family more that the other.

we may have so many problem with our family but we will back for it.

so, please give me your opinion with this idea, and we sill solve it together. we will share our problem together and let find the best way for it.

I am looking forward for your opinion.

thank you.

October 11, 2008

Good Morning World

Welcome to the other side of me.

how much you love your family and how much you love to feed your family with best food that ever have of yours.

let share for everything of family, food, culinary, also best place that we ever show tou our lovely family.

and also how much we have time to be together with our family.

with this site we can share and show each other beetwen us that we are best lover of our falimy.

thank you.